Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sturgeon ignoring financial concerns in a video that was leaked

 We don't need to talk about money, Sturgeon allegedly said in leaked audio, instructing SNP officials to cease inquiring about the party's finances. It has been claimed that Nicola Sturgeon instructed party officials to stop inquiring about the SNP's financial standing. According to the article, an audio recording of the altercation purports to show the former First Minister attempting to prevent members of the national executive committee (NEC) from inquiring about the health of the party's finances. Ops are looking into allegations that Nicola Sturgeon prevented financial audits of the SNP during a fraud investigation.

The Sunday Mail was able to secure a recording of the conversation where Ms. Sturgeon is heard saying, "We don't need to talk about the finances," in response to worries about a lack of transparency. The financial situation is excellent. Three cheers for the Sunday Mail, which has today obtained Nicola Sturgeon video that is, to put it mildly, less than ideal. A video showed the former first minister vehemently asserting that the SNP's finances had "never been stronger" during a meeting of the party's governing body in March 2021 was forwarded to the publication.

In the video, Sturgeon is seen cautioning SNP operatives on the National Executive Committee (NEC) to use extreme caution when implying that there are "any problems" with the accounts. in a furious statement made following the resignation of three members of the party's finance and audit committee. Allison Graham, one of them, had just finished reading a statement outlining a number of issues with openness and governance. In response, Sturgeon informed the NEC that.

The party has never been financially better off than it is right now, which is a testament to our power and the support of our supporters. I won't get into specifics here. However, since the party depends on donations from its supporters, all of us should exercise extreme caution when making claims that the party's finances are in disarray. No one should be concerned about the party's finances, and we should all be cautious not to imply that they should be. Finally, as a NEC, we must take care to avoid reaping the consequences of our actions, as leaks from this body restrict the possibility of an open, truthful dialogue. Should there are leaks,

It's really ironic that it's now come out. It happens at the same time that the newspaper is reporting that authorities are currently looking into jewelry purchases as part of a fraud inquiry spurred by allegations of misused donations. Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell both declined to respond to inquiries about the video. It has been claimed that Nicola Sturgeon instructed party officials to stop inquiring about the SNP's financial standing. The NEC meeting was held in August 2021, just a few months after Douglas Chapman, the treasurer, resigned in protest over not being able to examine the party's finances. Police Scotland had also opened a formal inquiry into money that was allegedly "missing" from the SNP's accounts in May of that year.

This money had been collected from pro-independence activists.Ms. Sturgeon said there was no issue with the party's financial operations when first questioned about the purportedly ring-fenced money that was considered to be the focus of the police probe. She said in 2021 that "money hasn't gone missing" since "all money goes through the SNP accounts independently, all fully audited." Every dollar we raise to help the campaign for independence will be used to promote the campaign for independence, Ms. Sturgeon continued. However, our accounts are managed on a cashflow basis. Humza Yousaf declared after the first NEC meeting after taking over as head that he was dedicated to "best practices in governance and transparency." It is obvious that the party can learn from several challenges, especially the issue of membership numbers, he continued.


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