Monday, April 17, 2023

Alexandria excessive faculty indiana town monroe taking pictures today, energetic shooter

 Alexander is a metropolis in monroe town, indiana, indiana. It's far located about 48 miles east of indianapolis. In keeping with the population census in 2020, the populace is five,149, which has little change considering 2010. Alexander plans to decide the principal canal of indiana in 1836 to increase this. It changed into founded in 1898.

Alexandria is placed 40 ° 15’47’n eighty five ° forty’35’wcoordication: forty ° 15’47’n eighty five ° 40’35’w. The east side of the metropolis at 9 indiana street, leading to anderson, county sater, 34 kilometers north of marion, extended south to 18 kilometers. The nation highway 28 exceeded thru the northern quit of alexander, reached elwood 14 kilometers, after which 37 kilometers along olbani.

In step with records from the usa census bureau, alexander’s overall area is 7. Eight km2 (three. Zero rectangular miles). Pipe creek exceeded via the towns in the south of the middle, then flowed to the southwest, and joined the baihe river in perkinsville.


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