Monday, April 17, 2023

NEWS Millicent omanga leaked videos on twitter

 The position of the newly appointed chief executive secretary (CASS) has been assigned by Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki. CS Kindiki Samuel Ole Tunai, Millicent Omana, and Mohamud Saleh encouraged the department to choose its leadership department on Monday and emphasized that doing so will assist deliver services more successfully. In order to reorganize the Civil Registration Service (CRS), the National Registration Office (NRB), and the Division Department (DRA), Millicent OMANGA was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Immigration and Citizen Service Department.

Samuel Ole Tunai, a peer of hers, will be under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' supervision, while Mohamud Saleh, Mohamud Saleh, will oversee the State Council's penalty services. The Kenya Prison Services (KPS), the Borstal agency, and the probation department are being reformed by the SALEH department. Kindiki did learn, though, what the outcome of assigning legal processes was.

The Kenyan Lawyers Association and the Kataba Institute, which was excluded after the position was accepted, both rejected the Supreme Court's CASS appointment. The Presidential and Public Service Committee (PSC) was sued in the petition by LSK and the Katiba Institute, and all 50 CAS were named as interested parties.

Petus contends that the president has broken Article 10 of the Constitution and has violated 50 Kas since he "knows that only 23 positions have been created and recruited." The court further prohibited CASS from paying salaries, benefits, and salaries until the conclusion of the case.


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